For Parents

It can be so hard watching your child struggle and not knowing how to help.

You see the potential in them and a bright future but something is getting in the way. It might be due to a specific circumstance or set of experiences, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, a new sibling, bullying, or a traumatic event. Or it may have appeared seemingly out of nowhere, increasing in severity over time despite your best efforts to address it.

Your child might be:

  • Withdrawing or isolating themselves

  • Worrying

  • Having nightmares

  • Choosing risky behaviors

  • Expressing angry outbursts

  • Experiencing negative body image

  • Struggling with relationships & social interactions

    You are not a bad parent.

Kids are exposed to a lot of things that they are not developmentally ready for. Kids and Teens are dealing with issues we never had to worry about like COVID, Social Media, and access to an internet full of information.

We can help.

We help kids and teens with processing negative events, managing emotions, and providing coping skills. We provide a confidential and safe space to process what is bothering them and set them up for success. We encourage parents to allow the relationship with the therapist be secure, providing insight to parents as needed and agreed upon by child/teen unless safety issues are a concern.

We treat: Behavioral problems, Gender & Sexuality, ADHD, Anxiety & Depression, Trauma, Bullying, Divorce, Transitioning to College

For Teens

Do any of these describe you?

  • I’m tired of being tired all the time, I don’t even feel like getting out of bed.

  • I have no idea what I want to study in college, much less what I want to do as a career. How do I even choose?

  • I keep having these anxiety attacks and can’t stand being in a classroom and ESPECIALLY not a large group of people.

  • I have been thinking about who I am, and I am pretty sure I might be gay. How do I tell my parents? What will people think?

We can help you determine your core values, providing a safe and secure environment to let you freely share your thoughts, play with big ideas, and learn skills to be happy. We are gender affirming and offer support for those in the LGBTQIA+- community. Ready to increase your confidence, set boundaries with others, and create a life you love?

Have your parents contact us at the link above.

For Kids

As a kid these days it can be hard to make friends, finish school work, and be HAPPY.

Do you feel confused about your feelings?

Do you sometimes do things you didn’t even mean to do?

Is it hard to go places without your games or staying focused on your phone?

Do you feel tired or worried for no reason?

If so, we would love to meet you! Ask your parent to contact us by clicking CONTACT US above.